Did You Know? A Look Into Automotive Recycling Facts
Cars and trucks are often the topic of conversation when it comes to world pollution. However, the automotive recycling industry is one of the most efficient programs running. Consequently, in the U.S. and Canada alone there are over 11 million vehicles recycled every year.¹ The automotive recycling industry is continuously developing creative ways to reuse

Exporting ELVs Impacts Auto Recycling in US
End of Life Vehicle (ELV) sales make up a $20 billion industry for automotive dismantlers and recyclers who handle scrap steel, aluminum, copper, plastic, and glass. Traditional transactions for these vehicles are impacted by online sales and auctions, in which international buyers leverage attractive offers – their domestic counterparts cannot always compete. Exporting Policies “They
Steel: Driving Auto Recycling Success
RECYCLING SCRAPPED AUTOMOBILES Recycling Steel and Iron Used In Automobiles Steel IS Automobile Safety We rely on our cars to transport us from place to place, perhaps even to take steel materials to a recycling drop-off center. We also rely on automobiles to keep us and our family safe when we’re behind the wheel.